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Vital Records
Who May Receive Copies of Birth Records:
Registrant (person whose certificate is being requested)
A member of his/her immediate family, which includes family members and in-laws in the direct line of descent up to, but not including cousins (This includes alleged father, even if his name is not listed on record, IF he can prove that he is a guardian):
Wife...Husband...Son...Daughter...Mother...Father...Brother...Sister... Grandmother…Grandfather...Grandchildren...Aunt…Uncle...Niece…Nephew
A guardian may receive a copy of the birth certificate of a child who is under his/her care and custody by furnishing guardianship papers. This includes alleged father, even if his name is not listed.
Foster parents may receive a copy of the birth certificate of a child who is under their care and custody by furnishing custody papers. A step-parent may receive a copy of a birth record by stating relationship and providing reasonable proof. (Picture ID along with document showing spouse surname, such as a checkbook, insurance document, other child’s birth record
A physician acting on behalf of the registrant and/or his or her family.
Authorized agent acting on behalf of the registrant or his/her family. An authorized agent shall produce a signed notarized statement by the registrant or a member of his/her family authorizing release of record. (Ex. attorney)
Others may demonstrate a direct and tangible interest when information is needed for determination or protection of personal or property rights.
Who May Receive Copies of Death Records:
*Applicant must identify at least one (1) parent on the record. Death records over fifty (50) years old are exempt from this requirement. All family members, genealogists representing a family member, and professionally recognized genealogists are eligible to receive copies of death certificates. All family members includes in-laws and cousins and great and step relationships for the following: brother, sister, mother, father, son, daughter, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, or uncle. Family members outside of these relationships (ex: great, great) will need to produce additional documentation or information to demonstrate the applicant's link to the requested record. Alternatively, direct and tangible interest documents may be used to prove entitlement.
Vital records is open Monday-Thursday from 7:30 am to 4:45 pm and Friday from 10:00 am to 11:45 am. Birth Certificates are $15 per copy. Death Certificates are $14 per record and $11 for each additional copy at the time of purchase.
*Cash/Check accepted. There is a 4% fee when using Credit/Debit ($2 minimum charged)